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Lessons I Learned from Grit by Angela Duckworth

1. Talent does not equal success.

2. We subconsciously value talent over effort.

3. Focusing on talent distracts us from focusing on growing.

4. Grit is falling and staying in love with your passion.

5. Grit = Passion + Perservance

6. Have a goal, then make a plan to get there.

7. Time is limited. Don't waste it.

8. Find a purpose.

9. Write your high-level goal in pen and your low-level goals in pencil.

10. We improve as our competition improves.

11. Grit is dynamic.

12. It can take time to find your passion.

13. Don't hold out for perfection.

14. Interests aren't found with introspection, but with interactions.

15. Practice.

16. Practice deliberately.

17. Purpose is the intention to contribute to the well-being of others.

18. Be an optimist.

19. Have a growth mindset.

20. Praise effort, NOT talent

21. Have a growth mindset NOT a fixed mindset

22. Learn to fail.

23. Practice optimistic self-talk.

24. Do hard things.

25. Practice grit.

"The true joy in life is to be a force of fortune instead of a feverish, selfish little clod of ailments and grievances complaining that the world will not devote itself to making your happy"- George Bernard Shaw

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